We Love Satisfied Clients

We regularly receive exceptionally positive comments from clients and we take great satisfaction in assisting our clients of all sizes with their commercial real estate needs. Here is an example of a recommendation we received from an occupier who faced a major lease problem that could have cost him his business as well as his personal wealth:

Peter Morris solved a huge real estate lease issue that could have cost me my chiropractic practice. Not only did he resolve the issue and save me money in doing so; he was also able to get me a much better lease by advising me to ask for over 200 changes to the landlord’s standard lease. These were changes I didn’t even know I could request. I know that over the life of this new lease I will not only save money but the risks in the lease the landlord wanted me to take on have been reduced.

If you are attempting to negotiate a lease, renegotiating a lease or an extension or have a lease related problem you owe it to yourself to contact Peter Morris first.”      Dr. Rob Rosborough, B.Sc D.C.  

One aspect that struck us is our client didn’t know what he didn’t know. We hear this every day. There are literally hundreds of thousands of small businesses in the same situation.

Ideally, an occupier should talk to us BEFORE entering into a lease; but we can assist you as an issue arises just as we did for Dr. Rob.

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